Fast, reliable and cost effective flood protection!
Flood Barrier BL/GSB-H
Flexible protection, that grows with the rising flood
The lightweight aluminum profiles slide between vertical U-posts, one by one.
It is not necessary to insert all the profiles all the time.
With short and heavy rain, it is often enough to simply insert the first profile. For long, heavy rain or flooding, additional panels simply can be added as needed.
Height = 1000mm / 3foot
Needed it even higher?
The Flood Barrier GSB-H is designed as such that the vertical U-Posts can be extended even after the barrier is installed. This allows for the height to be increased and the additional use of profiles.
Depending on the width of the barrier, the height can be extended of up to 2 meters.
Height = 1500mm / 5foot
Up to 5m in width!
Taking the Flood Barrier height into consideration, the GSB-H can span up to 5 meters in width. (see technical data on page 4). Contact us today. We find the right solution for you.

Installation within the opening or in-front of the opening. No extra masonry work
required !

Within of the opening : The vertical U-posts are simply bolted within the opening