Containment Systems
In the event of an emergency, contaminated water can very quickly lead to a bigger problem than the original cause. If sprinkler water flows away uncontrollably and seeps into the ground, it will be a danger for people and the environment Numerous - sometimes tragic - examples have shown this in the past.
Our spill and containment barriers ensure safety. The various models can be fitted in front of and in the opening of doors and gates as well as in front of and in concrete or steel bunds. One particular characteristic of BLOBEL products is the special sealing technology which we introduced. It is based on a very flexible, highly chemical-resistant and flame-retardant foam. It pointed the way ahead for the whole market. We demand very high quality of the materials, manufacturing and fitting – serving both the safety of the people and the environment.

All BLOBEL spill barriers and retention systems are nationally and internationally approved.
They fulfil the following requirements of:
the Containment of Contaminated Fire Fighting Water guideline (LÖRÜRL national)
the capital equipment regulations (VAwS national)
the regional fire protection authorities
all known specifications of the member countries of the EU (e.g. Seveso II directive 96/82/EC, 96/082/EEC)
as well as other international guidelines and regulations.